Video - Edinburgh Printmakers demonstration

Some interesting printmaking techniques 

In this video, the demonstrator (Paul Funeux) does a few things that I think are noteworthy for future reference.

  • Soaking quite a few sheets of news-sheet paper before sliding in the printable paper between the leaves, then wrapping the whole lot in plastic and leaving overnight. Essentially an embellishment of the previous styles.
  • Using a wire-brush to brush to raise the grain on the carved block, then using sand paper to smooth it down.
  • The demonstrator seems to be using a shoe-polishing brush to apply the ink.
  • He really pushes hard to get the print to burnish itself into the paper.
  • The prints are put back into the pile of damp news-sheet paper to keep them continually damp.
  • He properly splats a load of watercolour paint fresh from the tube on to the block.
