Testing testing - transfer of image from a laserjet printout via an iron on to another surface

Print out

First stage of my 
#Japanese #woodblock #print is testing whether its true that I can transfer a laser jet print on to another surface with an iron. If so then itll make the colour separation and alignment of the #blocks #much easier. Ive chosen a picture of a #satanic #cat to print out whilst the #iron heats up.

Ironing in action

Moment of truth

First print

Well its kind of worked. I think I need heavier blacks. Ill try again in a mo.

Better transfer

Thats better! #heattransfer a success! Hopefully this will make #printmaking easier. At least thats the theory... Im assuming that the print wont rub off.

Pretending to use the chisel

Test with one of the #woodcarving #chisels and yes its remaining smudge free!
